Just before Christmas the Hill Times (a highly respected newspaper amongst influencers in politics) published an article aby Erika Simpson that repeated a lot of misinformation circulating about the DGR.
We responded!
Her article is behind a paywall so it cannot be replicated here but suffice it to say that it was a stream of rhetorical implications carefully woven together to try and suggest the nuclear industry was under threat. When I read it it made me feel that it was a last gasp from an author that realized long ago that they had been exposed but wanted one last attempt to justify their position.
The unfortunate thing about long rambling pieces where nothing is actually said, only implied, is hat its quite hard to succinctly nail the issues down, because there is nothing solid to drive a nail into.
But Ian Wiggington (Co-Chair of the Nuclear Waste Management, decommissioning and Environmental Restoration Division) thought there was enough and we sent in a response that was published today.
The Canadian Nuclear Society
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